Jeans Lawyers

Capstone Migration Agents Assessment Preparation

The Capstone Assessment has low pass rates, costing candidates time and money. The LTA reports a pass rate in October 2021 of 48%.

The new provider, Legal Training Australia, will offer intakes in February, April, July and October 2022.  

Since June 2021, we have been providing quality training with a former Assessor and External Moderator of all 7 intakes in 2019-2020 of the Assessment.

We have received positive feedback, with one attendee writing, "I learned so many things from you than the entire course at Western Sydney University, I wish I had more time to learn from you".

After having successfully completed Courses in 2021, we are be offering further preparation courses in 2022.

October 2022 Intake

One Course will be offered for the October 2022 intake. The format is on Zoom for two hours per day over three days (12 noon - 2pm) in two consecutive weeks. The Course includes attending the sessions, additional sessions if required, materials and documents, ongoing support with questions and scenarios which can be submitted for feedback up until the second written assessment; then at least one personal session (most people require two) for the oral assessment. The cost is $2,200 incl GST. 

You will be engaged during the teaching process, not lectured at, so you learn the practical steps you need to pass the Capstone Assessment.

Once you enrol, we will start sending you information and materials to prepare for the assessment.

Not everyone passes the Capstone at the first attempt.  If you do not pass either of the written assessments, you can attend the next Zoom course sessions without charge.


  • All aspects of the written and oral assessments
  • Multiple choice questions
  • Answering short and long written questions
  • Navigating LegendCom
  • Practical tips for the oral assessment
  • Common topics
  • How to prepare for, and conduct a client interview
  • And finally, you will know how to pass the Capstone Assessment